Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good News, Good News, Bad News


To Begin Again is in the final stages, and is soon to be released. It's a collection of short stories and essays, a few of which have been published over the course of 2010.

A Shore ThingGood:

"A Little Taste of Heaven" won Story of the Month at Bartleby Snopes. 

Thank you to anyone who read, liked, and voted. And even to those of you who read, cringed and voted for another story. Either way, you're reading, and I thank you for that.
(It's up here:


I'm not doing a very good job keeping my resolution to blog more. I probably won't have a real post up until next month. But, I'm thinking of making it fantastic. An in-depth review of Snooki's novel, perhaps (Come on, NYT, and you pick on memoir?). I read the acknowledgements at Target the other day, while my husband was looking at electronics. I can honestly say, it affected me.


  1. Somehow "A Little Taste of Heaven" allows us to see intrapersonal experiences and conflicts unfold- ordinary pain, worries, and yearnings for relief met with wisdom- in a page - not easy.

    Just voted for it.

  2. Thank you so much. What a great response.

  3. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

    Btw - I gave you an award on my blog :)

  4. I like this , i think you should take this further for sure. I want to know more about he characters. Good work from mel in australia

  5. Congratulations on the upcoming publication AND the story win! That's awesome. As for the Snooki review, I'll reserve judgement :D


Chapbook release

"As our children walked in circles, their children shook their heads and made their way toward another life; new ghosts remained. And w...